I liked the show, it was an enjoyable experience. I binged Futurama in the past, and I can tell that it was written in part by Matt Groening.
I'm glad that the show, while having a few tiny references to other shows from Groening, was mostly disconnected from his other shows, since that allowed it to establish its own identity.
Overall I think the writing was good, but..
The pacing was kinda bad.
I get that the first part has a lot of filler so that the show can introduce characters, make plot lines, and world build. I'm not a filler-hater actually.
My complaint is actually that the later parts of the show lack a lot of filler!
The beginning of the show takes its time to get the ball rolling, while the last two parts or so are all action. It doesn't give the viewers much time to recuperate after big events, favoring instead to throw action after action.
Probably the thing I liked the least about the show was its tendency to follow this pattern:
Main characters are home
Action happens which drives main character group away from home
Action happens away from home
Main character group must now travel back home
Main character and supporting characters are separated during travel
Supporting characters arrive earlier than main character
Main character starts new side quest
Main character finally arrives home, only to immediately have to follow action away from home again
Repeat from step two

The show constantly keeps the main character(s) away from the main setting of the show, which makes it feel super underdeveloped in later parts. This whiplash of arriving home only to immediately leave again due to conflict became kinda exhausting in the later parts. I actually would have liked to have seen some more filler episodes later on to see the characters reflect on the action they just got home from.
There was also a big problem with having subplots upon subplots.
We're not just talking A plot and B plot
We're talking A, B, C, and sometimes D plot!
It's not like Disenchantment was cancelled, it was planned to have 5 seasons to begin with
So if they wanted to include so much in their story, they should have opted to space things out a bit more. It's hard to keep track of four concurrent stories, especially when they sometimes span multiple episodes.
I know I would have watched it if there were more than 5 seasons
While the show rushed some plot lines, they also stretched out some plot lines for far longer than they should have
The most egregious example would be (SPOILERS!!!)
When the king is buried alive and goes insane
They milked the whole ordeal for multiple seasons!
I get if they had decided to keep it as a plot line for one season and have it play a role as a character trait in future seasons, but normally you wrap up your storytelling for the season by the end.
I'm not going to comment on some characters being insufferable (I will not name names), because it's fully possible they were explicitly written to be that way.
This concludes my rant, I don't think I have anything else to say.
Back to your irregularly scheduled tech noise
Just did some Car Infrastructure Project stuff
I was trying to see if I could get some better signal strength using external antennas, since the Netgear LM1200 LTE modem I'm using supports it

Got a funny looking antenna stalk now, don't mind the way it's going through the door
I try my best to make these mods completely and easily reversible, and that means I don't modify the car itself
Also don't mind the CB radio stuff, it's totally normal. But it does make a good base to attach the LTE antennas to with duct tape!

I'm not sure I really got any better of a signal, though, since those are roughly the same numbers as before
(RSRP, RSRQ, and Quality are what I'm looking at)
I may need to use a powered amplifier to get better reception here

Not awful speedtest results, but could certainly be better
Especially since when I turn on the Wireguard tunnel to give the car its public IP, it drastically drops the throughput
Anyway, that's all for now, until I amp up that signal!
(Not pictured: the MagicJack that powers The Car Phoneâ„¢)
Saving/sharing this here, it's funny: https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-fucking-dropkick-you-if-you-use-that-spreadsheet/
Test 2
Test 3

Hecc yeah
Thinkblog isn't super hard to move between hosts fortunately, especially considering how often ServerRoom.net would go down
Just moving some data files, the web content, installing Spruce, and running the event-passing backend for the server-sent events