

I'm having so much fun!!


Finally done with my final

This is a bruh moment fr.
STiBaRC development has begun again. Josh finished the new API and now it's just a matter of finishing and polishing the web app / client. Excited to see us getting closer to updating the main site. It's been 3 years in the making and it's time to happen.
Might not be the last major update to the client as Josh was talking about doing components, but that can be built on the new design and client. We just need to focus on getting the basic version of the client good enough for use, and then we can focus on polishing and adding new features. The other thing that would be good to focus on is the native app. Don't know what that would look like as I was not involved in the development of the current one, but I imagine we'd want to get the new design and client front-end as the old API will be discontinued.
Working on the client has been very good for my mental. Been saying I need a creative project to work on and a goal to work towards, but I keep not starting anything or finishing what I've started. The big thing with this project is it's already a collaborative effort. So when someone else is doing work for it and you know you can do work for it and advance as a team, it's much easier to find motivation.
Man. I've gotta go back to Westfield for work just to drop off units that had nothing wrong with them. Just the guy testing it forgot the configuration changes on his end and assumed I had flashed it wrong. At least I should be able to get compensated for my miles, but I would like to not have to drive. My car be showing some signs that I don't like. Making me nervous about the wear and tear I be putting on it. Need to get it into a shop and assess how good/bad things be so I don't pour in money for a car that doesn't have much life left or the opposite. Not getting repairs done that would prolong the life and be worth the money.
just get me a new prius somebody. i don't want car payments, but it'd be nice to not have to worry about my car. especially as i'm driving 80+ miles a day to and from work.
I'm lonely. Which makes me want to isolate myself, which in turn makes me more lonely. love my brain