471 in particular has seen some pushback, to the degree that I doubt it will make 23, although it's explicitly aiming for it
472 kinda goes along with 471 but could get split up. I think it's more plausible that 472 makes 23

have I ever gushed about how good Winamp/Wacup with the Big Bento skin looks? it's so nice
I love how small that image is on desktop with no way to enlarge it (:
here's a free CSS tweak:
.thoughtmedia {
max-width: 50%;
max-height: 25vh;

yeah 50% for the height doesn't work so well when the parent is an infinite-length scrolling container
(I meant to say 25%)
two rickrolls in the span of like an hour, completely independently
what are the odds
Yeah I should make a Thinkblog client sometime
Maybe even as a web app on my new website
Does the API support CORS?
God why do the buttons just sometimes not work on mobilr
Yeah I'm mostly just annoyed about encountering a bunch of issues whenever I try to use this site lol
when the first application result for "ch" is Cheat Engine instead of Chrom(e/ium)
The Steam trading card/item/booster pack/badge/background/emote/gem market is truly bizarre
You could probably spend hours poking around at it and still not really understand how it works
partially because the UI is often unintuitive, certain pages can only be reached from certain other pages which themselves... etc
and the market is pretty strange too
I still do not remotely understand how backgrounds and emotes are priced
but anyways I successfully interacted with it I think
I bought a booster pack for $0.25, which I then unpacked into cards that would have cost $0.32 separately
this is still a reasonable transaction for all parties because a) I got fairly lucky with the card drops and b) selling any item (or at least low-value items) has about a 2-cent fee
I'm gonna play some Banana now and find out more about how that market works
oh also SteamDB (as always) and https://www.steamcardexchange.net are useful for some of this stuff
Based on my admittedly limited observations of the market and some basic assumptions, I think gems are valued at around 40¢/1000, maybe a little lower but no lower than 35¢. This is interesting because the most efficient way to convert money into Gems that I know costs 50¢/1000. I would not be surprised if a 40¢/1000 exists somewhere out there on the marketplace though.
Probably because Steam doesn't want to run afoul of gambling or real money market laws, converting money into Gems and converting gems into money take on pretty different forms which make them harder to directly compare
Money -> gems simply consists of buying backgrounds, which are money-cheap and gem-valuable, on the secondary market and converting them into gems
Certain other items may be suitable for this but backgrounds seem to reliably give the best rates
gems -> money can mean a few different things, but the one I've been looking at is crafting booster packs and selling them, which seems to give reasonable returns and I suspect that this process is being noted, which would suggest that it's a solid pathway
*botted, not noted
Note: how many gems a booster pack costs to craft varies by game. In F2P games, it tends to be a lot cheaper. This is probably because these games don't have card drops (or maybe they can with DLC? should investigate that) so booster packs are the only way for cards to enter the ecosystem. Crafting booster packs for paid games is rarely worthwhile, but crafting booster packs for free games can be.
steamcardexchange.net seems to use 36¢/1000 as the price of gems
yeah it's time to put a couple bucks on Steam to play around again
(Josh, if you're about to migrate, don't worry about me but I wouldn't mind a heads-up DM)
I got two Warframe booster packs because it looked like it should be profitable to buy and unpack them, and I pulled a foil out of them!
the current lowest offers are 70¢ each, so I should easily be able to recoup the 18¢ investment whenever I'm able to sell them in a week
it looks like Warframe cards are normally 25 gems and the foil is 250 gems
not that you'd ever want to turn cards into gems
the other cards it looks like I could maybe offload them at 3¢ each but it would take like a year so I might just take 2¢ and be happy with it
so the amount of gems that a background gives you apparently varies too. I bought "Ark corridors" from The Descendant for 3¢, but it's only worth 20 gems, not 100 like the other game background I saw
this might be useful https://steamtradingcards.fandom.com/wiki/Gems_by_game
I'm sure it's not really up to date though
Borderlands 2 has some 3¢ backgrounds that are supposedly 80 gems, that would be 37.5¢/1000, similar to steamcardexchange's valuation. but then they turned out to be 20 gems too
unless there's a cut on how many gems you get since I just bought it? maybe I should wait a week until the untradeable window expires
apropos of nothing, Wikimedia Commons has 62 images of Machtum, Luxembourg, a town of 592. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Machtum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machtum
there should be a tumblr blog along the lines of facts-i-just-made-up, but where the posts are all explicitly lies
it would have the added interest of being able to say true things by stating the opposite